Is The Coronavirus Now Unstoppable?

As  posted to the Peak Prosperity YouTube Channel on February 13, 2020 (Run time 19 min 26 sec) In Update #21, on the Wuhan New Coronavirus (now officially "Covid-19"), Chris Martenson reports: ". . . the scientific research on covid-19 (the new name of the Wuhan Coronavirus) continues to reveal what a huge challenge containing this virus is. A new report from Los Alamos Labs calculates its R0 at between 4.7 to 6.6. That is massively contagious! It's little wonder then why we're seeing more and more reports of doctors and health workers falling sick, despite using proper PPE and contamination protocol. China, which bumped up the number of total infected within the country by 33% last night, is clearly facing a public health nightmare of epic proportion. As...

Coronavirus threat greatest in densely populated environments

As  posted to the Peak Prosperity YouTube Channel on February 12, 2020 (Run time 10 min 27 sec) In Update #20, on the Wuhan New Coronavirus (now officially "Covid-19"), Chris Martenson reports: "The Coronavirus continues its spread through China and surrounding Asian countries. The data increasingly show that this virus is wickedly contagious, especially in crowded environments where population density is high -- like the densely-packed buildings in cities. As a frightening example: in Japan, a health worker was infected while inspecting a quarantined cruise ship, despite wearing a hazmat suit and taking standard precautions. On the more positive side, we are hearing "success" stories from those who have now recovered from the virus. These are mostly folks who had less serious cases, which is around 80% of those...

Potential for a Coronavirus Vaccine

As  posted to the Peak Prosperity YouTube Channel on February 11, 2020 (Run time 22 min 57 sec) In Update #19, on the Wuhan New Coronavirus (now officially "Covid-19"), Chris Martenson reports: "After updating on the latest case information, this video explains what a cytokine storm is, how that actually is the cause of harm, and additional troubling information that nCoV (now "Covid-19") spreads through the air. Can a vaccine be developed soon? Well, a prior attempt to create one for SARS ended up doing more harm than good in animal models. This means we may need to temper our hopes for a quick vaccine and allow the process to run. It may take a while - a year or more? Which means people need to be ready to hunker...

Coronavirus Incubation Period May Be Up To 24 Days

As  posted to the Peak Prosperity YouTube Channel on February 10, 2020 (Run time 20 min 44 sec) In Update #18, on the Wuhan New Coronavirus (officially "2019-ncov"), Chris Martenson reports: "A new report finds that the incubation period for the Coronavirus may be as long as 24 days, 10 days longer than previous expected. That means that the potential size of "infected & contagious yet unaware" masses walking around (outside of China's quarantine borders) could be substantially larger than feared. On top of that, additional data from China's hospitals in Wuhan show that once a patient is hospitalized, meaning their condition has become severe, the death rate is very high (~20%). More reinforcement that you want to avoid this virus if at all possible. And yet, the stock market...

Coronavirus Far Worse Than We Thought

As  posted to the Peak Prosperity YouTube Channel on February 9, 2020 (Run time 27 min 35 sec) In Update #17, on the Wuhan New Coronavirus (officially "2019-ncov"), Chris Martenson reports: Is the Coronavirus far worse than we thought?  New research suggest that is the case. "Chinese officials are now warning the Wuhan Coronavirus may spread by aerosol transmission. We have known it spreads via fomites contained within mucus-based globules, spread by coughing, sneezing, etc.  But if it also transmits from human to human via aerosol means, it's likely FAR more contagious than previously feared. Many of the most contagious diseases, like measles, spread as aerosols  -- tiny particles that hang in the air for a protracted time. If confirmed, this makes a very bad situation substantially worse.  And adding...

Coronavirus Impact on the Global Economy

As  posted to the Peak Prosperity YouTube Channel on February 7, 2020 (Run time 10 min 44 sec) In Update #16, on the Wuhan New Coronavirus (officially "2019-ncov"), Chris Martenson reports: "As China now has placed over 400 million of its citizens under quarantine, China's economy is grinding to a halt. Workers can't leave their homes. Factories are idle. Most (if not all) of China's ports are no longer shipping. International flights are increasingly banned from the country. When the world's #2 economy hangs up a big "CLOSED" sign, that's going to result in a major negative impact on global trade. As the manufacturing powerhouse to the world, you'll be challenged to think of ANY industry that won't experience serious supply chain interruptions and shortages from China's woes. Did...

Coronavirus: 50,000+ Infections Per Day Suggested

As  posted to the Peak Prosperity YouTube Channel on February 6, 2020 (Run time 18 min 12 sec) In Update #15, on the Wuhan New Coronavirus (officially "2019-ncov"), Chris Martenson reports: ". . . Dr. Neil Ferguson of the Imperial College of London and director of J-IDEA, the Abdul Latif Jameel Institute for Disease and Emergency Analytics, estimates that the official numbers released by China of less than 30,000 in total infectious cases are far too low. His organization calculates the true infection rate is over 50,000 people PER DAY!! Meanwhile, the contrast between what we're told by the various world government and what we're seeing them do continues to widen. "Everything is under control", "No need for concern", and "Stocks are doing great!" is what we hear. But what we...

Coronavirus Spreads to Wisconsin

As  posted to the Peak Prosperity YouTube Channel on February 5, 2020 (Run time 24 min 16 sec) In Update #14, on the Wuhan New Coronavirus (officially "2019-ncov"), Chris Martenson reports: Chris Martenson Page Deleted from Wikipedia "Last night, Wikipedia deleted its page on Chris Martenson. Why? They declared him "non-notable" . . .  totally ignoring his scientific publications (Nature), appearances in the mainstream media (e.g, BBC, Fox News, PBS Newshour), speaking invitations to major universities (like Harvard, Yale, Berkeley, Oxford) and government organization (the U.N., UK Houses of Parliament, US state legislatures, etc). This is the visible hand of the media "buzzsaw". The messengers who are not part of the "establishment" are being shot. We've been slammed in the media (Bloomberg, Mother Jones) for our coronavirus coverage even though...

Coronavirus: Move Along, Nothing to See Here

As  posted to the Peak Prosperity YouTube Channel on February 4, 2020 (Run time 13 min 43 sec) In Update #13, on the Wuhan New Coronavirus (officially "2019-ncov"), Chris Martenson reports: "As the Wuhan Coronavirus spread worsens, the financial markets are throwing one hell of party, hitting record highs. Yet the world's #2 economy, China, just hung up a big "CLOSED" sign . . . stocks should be tanking hard here. How can they shrug off the virus' threat to global trade? Chris believes that government intervention is at play here. There are few things that send the soothing signal that "All is well" more than higher stock prices do. As politicians say: "When it gets serious, you have to lie". Folks, it looks like the Coronavirus is so...

Coronavirus: The Time to Prepare is Now

As  posted to the Peak Prosperity YouTube Channel on February 3, 2020 (Run time 9 min 39 sec) In Update #12, on the Wuhan New Coronavirus (officially "2019-ncov"), Chris Martenson reports: "With over 20,000 people now confirmed infected, the Coronavirus outbreak continues increasing at an exponential rate. And that's based on official data from the Chinese. There are many reasons to suspect those numbers are low vs reality . . . possibly much lower. As Chris explains, even though we'll have a lot more clarity on the coronavirus within two weeks, the time to make your preparations for the pandemic arriving in your community is NOW. Why? Because the downside to preparing early is very low, while the downside to being late is extremely high. The imperfect data we do...