Unpacking the Economys Bubble Dynamics

As  posted to the Peak Prosperity YouTube Channel on 3/9/2020 (Run Time: 49 min, 14 sec) Author's Description of Clip "For years, Peak Prosperity has been raising a loud warning of the 'Everything Bubble' that the world's central banks have blown in global asset prices. Over that time, we've debated with hundreds of economic experts on what will be the trigger to "pop" this mania. Well, now we're finding out. The economic damage being wrought worldwide by the Coronavirus is the black swan the system never saw coming. Trade is being strangled, and the necessary productivity needed to support that massive increase in global debt that has been taken on over the past decade is just not there. Bankruptcies are set to ripple across industries like wildfire. Mass layoffs...

Currency Oblivion Coming

As  posted to the GoldSilver.com YouTube Channel on 3/3/20 (Run Time: 28 min, 07 sec) Mike Maloney believes that the Fed now has no option but to print the US dollar into oblivion, find out why in this comprehensive analysis of Tuesday’s (3/3/20) market action. The Fed's rate cut, bonds, gold and silver are all discussed. (This is Blog Post #759) Michael Maloney, founder of www.GoldSilver.com is also the author of the world’s best selling book on precious metals investing.  Since 2003 he has been advocating gold and silver as the ultimate means of protecting wealth from the games played by our governments and the banking sector....

Stockman on the Feds Rate Cut

As posted to the David Stockman YouTube Channel on 3/2/20 David Stockman appears on Fox Business Network's "Cavuto: Coast to Coast" to discuss the devastating effects that supply chain disruptions caused by the pandemic will have on the stock market. (This is Blog Post #758) David Stockman is a former businessman and U.S. politician who served as a Republican U.S. Representative from the state of Michigan and as the Director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Ronald Reagan.  He is the author of a number of books including "The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America" and, most recently, "Trumped! A Nation on the Brink of Ruin . . . and How to Bring it Back".  His current content can be found at davidstockmanscontracorner.com, ...

Jim Rogers on Gold Market Meltdown

As posted to Kitco News YouTube Channel on 2/28/20 "Pandemic fears continued to move stocks towards the worst week since the financial crisis. What is the key to navigating this sell-off? Joining Daniela Cambone for an exclusive interview is legendary investor Jim Rogers. The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 900 points, or more than 3%, and traded below 25,000. The S&P 500 slid 2.6% and gold futures were in freefall heading into the weekend, down close to 3.5% on the day, last trading at $1,583.90 an ounce. Rogers comments on where to keep your money safe." (This is Blog Post #757) James B. Rogers, Jr. is an American businessman, investor and author.  Currently based in Singapore, Rogers is the Chairman of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests, Inc. He was the...

Unpacking the Economy's Bubble Dynamics

As  posted to the GoldSilver.com YouTube Channel on February 28, 2020 (Run Time: 16 min, 07 sec) "How serious could the pandemic get? Will it decimate world economies, or is this just a short term blip? Is it the virus to blame for the recent market action, or the fact that the world economies have been balanced on a razor’s edge for a decade?" Find the answers to all of the above in this 2/28/20 update with Mike Maloney (GoldSilver.com) and Chris Martenson (PeakProsperity.com) (This is Blog Post #756) Chris Martenson, is a former American biochemical scientist and Vice President of Science Applications International Corporation.  Currently he is an author and trend forecaster interested in macro trends regarding the economy, energy composition and the environment at his site, www.peakprosperity.com. Michael Maloney, founder of www.GoldSilver.com is...

Ex-China Coronavirus Infections Growing Exponentially

As  posted to the Peak Prosperity YouTube Channel on February 19, 2020 (Run time: 35 min 32 sec) In Update #26, on the Wuhan New Coronavirus (now officially "Covid-19"), Chris Martenson reports: "The world is now watching closely to see if the Coronavirus is indeed poised to accelerate outside of China. In yesterday's video, we warned that the coming two weeks will be crucial in determining how bad the pandemic will be. The early results are not encouraging. New cases continue to climb in the rest of Asia -- Japan, Korea and Singapore are being hit hardest. And now we have the first two cases (and two deaths!) reported in Iran. That's on top of last week's confirmed case in Africa. So now the virus is on every continent...

Coronavirus: Next Two Weeks are Critical

As  posted to the Peak Prosperity YouTube Channel on February 18, 2020 (Run time 25 min 53 sec) In Update #25, on the Wuhan New Coronavirus (now officially "Covid-19"), Chris Martenson reports: "While China remains largely in lock down, Covid-19 cases in the rest of the world are at a key juncture. To-date, confirmed cases have been lower than feared. Though increasingly, we're suspecting that's due to inadequate testing & reporting. And the cases we *do* know of (now at ~1,000) appear to be growing at an exponential rate. So the next two weeks will be critical in telling the tale. We'll soon know whether the spread is indeed slower than initially feared, or we'll start to see huge increases in the number of infected ex-China. Meanwhile, the authorities around...

Legit Coronavirus Updates Becoming Harder to Obtain

As  posted to the Peak Prosperity YouTube Channel on February 17, 2020 (Run time 39 min 33 sec) In Update #24, on the Wuhan New Coronavirus (now officially "Covid-19"), Chris Martenson reports: "Good updates on the Wuhan Coronavirus pandemic (aka Covid-19) are becoming harder to obtain as governments tighten their grip on news sources. The data being shared, particularly by the Chinese are increasingly hard to believe, as they don't match the massive response the government is undertaking. Likewise, outside of China, reported cases remain lower than we would expect given the powerful R0 (i.e., infectiousness) of the virus, as well as its long asymptomatic incubation period. Are we being intentionally kept in the dark? Quite possibly. Chris walks through the possible reasons why, and points to the stock markets...

New Blood Plasma Treatment for Coronavirus

As  posted to the Peak Prosperity YouTube Channel on February 15, 2020 (Run time 19 min 39 sec) In Update #23, on the Wuhan New Coronavirus (now officially "Covid-19"), Chris Martenson reports: "Finally, some good news? While the Coronavirus continues its spread throughout China and elsewhere in the world (we now have the first confirmed case in Africa), we are hearing about an encouraging development on the treatment front. Chinese hospitals are reporting success treating severely sick patients with the blood plasma of those who have recently recovered. At least 11 patients treated this way went from 'critically ill' to much improved in just 24 hours. This is not an uncommon form of treatment, so it's a process the medical establishment knows how to successfully replicate. The big questions now...

Coronavirus Re-Infection May Be Deadlier

As  posted to the Peak Prosperity YouTube Channel on February 14, 2020 (Run time 35 min 05 sec) In Update #22, on the Wuhan New Coronavirus (now officially "Covid-19"), Chris Martenson reports: "While China is ground zero for this epidemic, Japan is now experiencing a bloom of coronavirus cases. With nearly 40 known people now infected, Japanese officials fear that a 'silent outbreak' is underway and that many more people are catching and spreading the disease.  Most of the new cases are of people with no connection to China, signaling that the virus has now gained a foothold in the local population. In other breaking news, not only does it seem that it's possible to contract the virus more than once, but if you do, the second time can be...