Is Your Business Vulnerable to Identity Theft?

According to data company Dun & Bradstreet, business identity theft increased more than 250% in the first half of 2020. You can thank the pandemic — and the government’s release of relief and recovery funds to qualified U.S. businesses — for this remarkable number. In a more typical year, crooks use stolen business identities to file fraudulent tax returns, apply for credit and empty bank accounts. Is your business vulnerable? However they might try to use your company’s information, there are steps you can take to reduce the risk. Protecting sensitive information Thieves often use malware to infect computers and gather sensitive data from businesses. They also create fake websites that trick employees into entering login and password information. To protect against these tactics, deploy patches when...

Health Savings Account for Your Small Business

Small business owners are well aware of the increasing cost of employee health care benefits. As a result, your business may be interested in providing some of these benefits through an employer-sponsored Health Savings Account (HSA). Or perhaps you already have an HSA. It’s a good time to review how these accounts work since the IRS recently announced the relevant inflation-adjusted amounts for 2021. The basics of HSAs For eligible individuals, HSAs offer a tax-advantaged way to set aside funds (or have their employers do so) to meet future medical needs. Here are the key tax benefits: Contributions that participants make to an HSA are deductible, within limits. Contributions that employers make aren’t taxed to participants. Earnings on the funds within an HSA aren’t taxed, so the...

Dont Make Computer and Equipment Theft Easy

These days, many offices and other workspaces are nearly empty as employees work from home. This can make companies that don’t safeguard their computers, printers and other equipment vulnerable to theft from outsiders. Even during normal times, businesses often lose assets because crooked employees walk out with them. Here’s how to protect valuable property — no matter who’s eyeing it. Asserting ownership First, claim your business’s assets. This means adding security plates and indelible identity markings to machines. These additions can help you track stolen equipment, inhibit resale and discourage thieves from trying to steal in the first place. Security software can help you track stolen computers online. As soon as the thief connects to the Internet, the computer’s software contacts a security firm’s monitoring system, which traces...

QBI Deduction Basics and Year-End Tax Tip

If you own a business, you may wonder if you’re eligible to take the qualified business income (QBI) deduction. Sometimes this is referred to as the pass-through deduction or the §199A deduction. The QBI deduction: Is available to owners of sole proprietorships, single member limited liability companies (LLCs), partnerships, and S corporations, as well as trusts and estates. Is intended to reduce the tax rate on QBI to a rate that’s closer to the corporate tax rate. Is taken “below the line.” In other words, it reduces your taxable income but not your adjusted gross income. Is available regardless of whether you itemize deductions or take the standard deduction. Taxpayers other than corporations may be entitled to a deduction of up to 20% of their QBI. For...

How Series EE Savings Bonds are Taxes

Many people have Series EE savings bonds that were purchased many years ago. Perhaps they were given to your children as gifts or maybe you bought them yourself and put them away in a file cabinet or safe deposit box. You may wonder: How is the interest you earn on EE bonds taxed? And if they reach final maturity, what action do you need to take to ensure there’s no loss of interest or unanticipated tax consequences? Fixed or variable interest Series EE Bonds dated May 2005, and after, earn a fixed rate of interest. Bonds purchased between May 1997 and April 30, 2005, earn a variable market-based rate of return. Paper Series EE bonds were sold at half their face value. For example, if you own a...

How is Disability Income Taxed?

Many Americans receive disability income. You may wonder . . . if, and how is disability income taxed? As is often the case with tax questions, the answer is … it depends. The key factor is who paid for the benefit. If the income is paid directly to you by your employer, it’s taxable to you as ordinary salary would be. (Taxable benefits are also subject to federal income tax withholding, although depending on the employer’s disability plan, in some cases aren’t subject to the Social Security tax.) Frequently, the payments aren’t made by the employer but by an insurance company under a policy providing disability coverage or, under an arrangement having the effect of accident or health insurance. If this is the case, the tax treatment...

Controls are Ineffective When Managers Go Rogue

Management overrides of internal controls can make your company more vulnerable to fraud. This is true even when managers have innocent intentions — for example, they don’t feel they have time to follow proper accounts payable procedures because a vendor is requesting immediate payment. Your company is at even higher risk of fraud losses . . . controls are ineffective . . . if a senior manager intentionally ignores the rules to manipulate financial statements. Warning signs Management overrides of financial controls can be difficult to detect. However, there are several warning signs that a manager isn’t fully adhering to the policies and procedures your organization has adopted. For instance, a manager may fail to call attention to business risks or dispute an auditor’s findings regarding his...

Tax Responsibilities of COVID-Closed Businesses

Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced many businesses to shut down. If this is your situation, we’re here to assist you in any way we can, including taking care of the various tax responsibilities of COVID-closed businesses that must be met. Of course, a business must file a final income tax return and some other related forms for the year it closes. The type of return to be filed depends on the type of business you have. Here’s a rundown of the basic requirements. Sole Proprietorships. You’ll need to file the usual Schedule C, “Profit or Loss from Business,” with your individual return for the year you close the business. You may also need to report self-employment tax.  Partnerships. A partnership must file Form 1065, “U.S. Return of...

Tax Issues Divorcing Couples Should Understand

When a couple is going through a divorce, taxes are probably not foremost in their minds. But without proper planning and advice, some people find divorce to be an even more taxing experience. Several tax concerns need to be addressed to ensure that taxes are kept to a minimum and that important tax-related decisions are properly made. Here are four tax issues divorcing couples should understand if they're in the midst of a divorce. Issue 1: Alimony or support payments For alimony under divorce or separation agreements that are executed after 2018, there’s no deduction for alimony and separation support payments for the spouse making them. And the alimony payments aren’t included in the gross income of the spouse receiving them. (The rules are different for divorce...