Dow Jones Just Had the Best Month of Returns in It’s History

How is This Possible?  Chris Martenson Explains. As posted on the Peak Prosperity You Tube Channel on 3/19/16\ How do you explain this?  Well, you can’t do it on the basis of fundamentals. You can’t do it on the basis of things like corporate earnings, revenues, or some dramatic shift in the world economic status.  What you can do is note that the World’s Central Bankers got together a while ago . . . the G20 got together . . . what is now being known as the Shanghai Accord, where the Central Banks looked at the worst start to 2016 . . . the worst start in a quite a while . . . and said “gosh, we have to do something” . . . and...

The United States Monetary System Explained As posted on the Mike Maloney You Tube Channel on 10/15/13\ Who owns the Federal Reserve? You are about to learn one of the biggest secrets in the history of the world . . . it's a secret that has huge effects for everyone who lives on this planet. Most people can feel deep down that something isn't quite right with the world economy, but few know what it is. Blog Post #226 represents the re-launch of my blog which originally started in 2008.  I wanted to start out with a bang, and this clip certainly fills the bill.  #4 in Mike Maloney's popular "Hidden Secrets of Money" series explains what is in effect the root of all of the country's (and...