Summer Camp May Yield a Tax Break

When schools were out for the summer, you might have sent your children to day camp. It’s often a significant expense. The good news: Summer camp may yield a tax break for the cost. The value of a credit Day camp is a qualified expense under the child and dependent care credit, which is worth 20% to 35% of qualifying expenses, subject to a cap. Note: Sleep-away camp does not qualify. For 2019, the maximum expenses allowed for the credit are $3,000 for one qualifying child and $6,000 for two or more. Other expenses eligible for the credit include payments to a daycare center, nanny, or nursery school. Keep in mind that tax credits are especially valuable because they reduce your tax liability dollar-for-dollar — $1 of tax credit...

Stockman on the Feds Rate Cut

As posted to the David Stockman YouTube Channel on 7/31/19 David Stockman appears on Fox Business Network's "Cavuto: Coast to Coast" to discuss the Fed's decision to cut rates.  Also discussed is the recent debt ceiling extension measure which will allow the National Debt to grow another 2T in the next two years. (This is Blog Post #593) David Stockman is a former businessman and U.S. politician who served as a Republican U.S. Representative from the state of Michigan and as the Director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Ronald Reagan.  He is the author of a number of books including "The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America" and, most recently, "Trumped! A Nation on the Brink of Ruin . . . and...

Specific Bequests of Sentimental Value Assets

When planning your estate, you’re likely focused on major assets, such as real estate, investments and retirement plans. But it’s also important to consider specific bequests of sentimental value assets. Examples include jewelry, antiques and photographs. These personal items — which often have modest monetary value but significant sentimental value — may be more difficult to deal with, and more likely to result in disputes, than big-ticket items. Squabbling over these items can lead to emotionally charged disputes and even litigation. In some cases, the legal fees and court costs can eclipse the monetary value of the property itself. Prepare a personal property memorandum Spelling out every gift of personal property in your will or trust can be cumbersome. Perhaps you want to leave your son a painting...

M&A Transactions Necessitate Additional IRS Filing

If you’re considering buying or selling a business — or you’re in the process of a merger or acquisition — it’s important to know that M&A transactions necessitate additional IRS filing by both parties.  This affords the IRS the ability to ensure the transaction was reported the same way by both parties. Otherwise, you may increase your chances of being audited. If a sale involves business assets (as opposed to stock or ownership interests), buyer and seller must generally report to the IRS.  What the IRS is interested in is the purchase price allocations that both use. This is done by preparing IRS Form 8594, “Asset Acquisition Statement”. This form is attached to each of their respective returns for the tax year that includes the transaction. M&A...

Social Security Benefits May Be Taxable

During your working days, you pay Social Security tax in the form of withholding from your salary or self-employment tax. And when you start receiving Social Security benefits, you may be surprised to learn that some of the payments may be taxed. If you’re getting close to retirement age, you may be wondering if Social Security benefits may be taxable. And if so, how much will you have to pay? The answer depends on your other income. If you are taxed, between 50% and 85% of your payments will be hit with federal income tax. (There could also be state tax.) Important: This doesn’t mean you pay 50% to 85% of your benefits back to the government in taxes. It means that you have to include 50%...

Bartering is a Taxable Transaction

Small businesses may find it beneficial to barter for goods and services instead of paying cash for them.  But know that bartering is a taxable transaction. The fair market value of goods that you receive in bartering is taxable income. And if you exchange services with another business, the transaction results in taxable income for both parties. Income is also realized if services are exchanged for property. For example, if a construction firm does work for a retail business in exchange for unsold inventory, it will have income equal to the fair market value of the inventory. Barter clubs Many business owners join barter clubs that facilitate barter exchanges. In general, these clubs use a system of “credit units” that are awarded to members who provide goods and...

Fraud Guides

Fraud experts have long known that “dark web” sites provide information, support and illicit goods to hackers and other criminals. But security company Terbium Labs recently published a report analyzing a treasure trove of fraud guides for sale on shady sites. Fraud guides help criminals hack your data.  These “educational” publications provide crooks with detailed instructions on exploiting security weaknesses to hack networks, obtain financial information and steal identities. Effective tips While fraud guides help criminals, Terbium found that most of the guides it downloaded were relatively useless.  Still, there were plenty that provided effective tips on compromising networks and disrupting antifraud procedures. The guides cover everything from account takeovers to phishing to counterfeit documents to stolen credit cards. Often, they discuss specific companies. For example, a...

Jointly Owning Property with Family Members

A common estate planning mistake that people make is owning property with a family member. True, adding a loved one to the title of your home, bank account or other property can be a simple technique for leaving property to that person without the need for probate. But any convenience gained is usually outweighed by a variety of negative consequences. Here are four: (1) Higher gift and estate taxes Depending on the size of your estate, owning property with a family member may trigger gift and estate taxes. When you add a family member’s name to an asset’s title as joint owner, for example, it’s considered a taxable gift of half the asset’s value. And your interest in the asset — including any future appreciation — remains...

Calculating Fraud Isn't That Simple

When businesses are defrauded, courts can — and in some states must — order restitution. But calculating fraud damages isn't that simple.  It isn’t always easy for judges to decide how much a company has lost. That’s where fraud experts can help. Calculating fraud damages: Benefit of the bargain method At first glance, calculating restitution may seem easy: Someone steals $25,000, so he or she should repay that amount, perhaps with interest. But what about the profits the business lost because of the fraud? The answer varies by state and even by case. Experts typically use either the “benefit of the bargain” or “out of pocket” rule to determine damages. The appropriate method depends to some degree on the location and nature of the fraud. But in most...

Which Entity is Most Suitable for you Business?

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) has changed the landscape for business taxpayers.  These changes have caused many business owners to ask: Which entity is most suitable for me? TCJA introduced a flat 21% federal income tax rate for C corporations. Under prior law, profitable C corporations paid up to 35%. TCJA also cut individual income tax rates, which apply to sole proprietorships and pass-through entities, including partnerships, S corporations, and LLCs (treated as partnerships for tax purposes). However, the top rate dropped from 39.6% to only 37%. Which entity is most suitable: Entity tax basics Before the TCJA, conventional wisdom was that most small businesses should be set up as sole proprietorships or pass-through entities to avoid the double taxation of C corporations. A C corporation pays...